Terms of Service

Welcome to Ai Visual Arts! These Terms of Service outline the rules and guidelines for using our website and services. By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Intellectual Property: All content on our website, including but not limited to images, text, logos, and graphics, are the property of Ai Visual Arts and are protected by copyright laws. You may not use any of our content without our explicit written permission.

User Conduct: You agree to use our website and services for lawful purposes and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to use our website or services to infringe on the rights of others, harass or defame others, or engage in any other activity that is harmful or illegal.

Privacy: We take the privacy and security of our users seriously. By using our website and services, you agree to our Privacy Policy, which outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

Disclaimer: We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of the content on our website or the services we provide. We are not liable for any damages or losses that may arise from your use of our website or services.

Termination: We reserve the right to terminate your access to our website and services at any time, without notice or liability, for any reason, including but not limited to a breach of these Terms of Service.

Governing Law: These Terms of Service are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and any disputes shall be resolved in the courts of Michigan.

Thank you for choosing Ai Visual Arts. If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms of Service, please contact us at pattersonsherisse@gmail.com